неделя, 12 декември 2010 г.

Nissan Silvia PS13 ratstyle

Okay guys, here it is finally finished!! I spend 1 week i think ( or more ) on this project and i really like it!! Fixed all bugs, cleaning up the car, editing interior and stuff like that ;d

DarKStar ( idea, help, advices, support, oppinion, most of the textures on the car and etc. )
Itachi ( idea for basket thingy on the roof xd, help, advices, support, BIG THANKS FOR THE A'PEXi PLATE FRAME XD, oppinion and etc. )
Tom2 ( car )
DK ( vertex bodykit )
Noedel ( wheels, basket thingy )

I Hope You Like It Too!! Pics:

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